Onno W. Purbo A.K.A Kang Onno (Hacker White)

Onno Widodo Purbo (born in Bandung August 17, 1962, age 45 years) is a character (later better known as an expert in the field) information technology from Indonesia. He began his academic education at ITB majoring in Electrical Engineering in 1981. Six years later he graduated with honors the best graduates, and then continue their studies to Canada with a scholarship from the PAU-ME.

RT / RW-Net is one of the many ideas put forward. He is also active in writing in the field of information technology media, seminars, national and international conferences. Believe philosophy of copy left, a lot of his writing published for free on the internet.

Freedom fighter 2.4 GHz, VOIP-People, and Wifi Antenna from cans.


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