Onno W. Purbo A.K.A Kang Onno (Hacker White)
Onno Widodo Purbo ( born in Bandung August 17, 1962 , age 45 years ) is a character ( later better known as an expert in the field ) information technology from Indonesia . He began his academic education at ITB majoring in Electrical Engineering in 1981 . Six years later he graduated with honors the best graduates , and then continue their studies to Canada with a scholarship from the PAU - ME. RT / RW - Net is one of the many ideas put forward . He is also active in writing in the field of information technology media , seminars , national and international conferences . Believe philosophy of copy left , a lot of his writing published for free on the internet . Freedom fighter 2.4 GHz , VOIP - People, and Wifi Antenna from cans .